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All ad copy and payments must be postmarked by March 6, 2020

Pages are 8.5" x 11" and should allow for .5 margins

Page size:

Full Page - (LASAP Member: $100.00) (Non-LASAP Member: $150.00)

Half Page - (LASAP Member: $50.00) (Non-LASAP Member: $80.00)

One-Fourth Page - (LASAP Member: 25.00) (Non-LASAP Member: $50.00)

Business Card - (LASAP Member: $10.00) (Non-LASAP Member: $25.00)


Silver Exhibitor

Exhibit Hall Spotlight, half ad page, one day advertisement,  - (LASAP Member: $125.00) (Non-LASAP Member: $330.00)

Bronze Exhibitor

Exhibit Hall Spotlight, one-fourth ad page, one day advertisement,  - (LASAP Member: $100.00) (Non-LASAP Member: $280.00)


Booth space only - (LASAP Member: $75.00) (Non-LASAP Member: $200.00)

All completed ad/exhibitor/vendor forms and payments must be postmarked by March 6, 2020

For further information, please contact:

Dr. Constance Broussard

Associate/Program Director

Off-Campus TRIO/Upward Bound I & II

University of Louisiana at Lafayette

104 E. University Circle

Lafayette, LA 70503

Subject Line: LASAP Ad/Exhibit/Vendor

Exhibitor Schedule

March 9 & 10, 2021

Exhibitors are free to manage their booth at their own discretion during "Open Exhibitors Hours"

"Your name" is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. Street Address, City, State 123456

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